Hour 5 – 2:00pm – 3:00pm

See featured performers below!

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Jenna Moynihan is regarded as one of the best of the new generation of freestyle fiddlers. Versatile and inventive, her fiddling style draws strongly from the Scottish tradition but is also influenced by American, Irish, and Swedish styles. Jenna has performed and taught around the world, including performances at Celtic Connections, Celtic Colours, Scots Fiddle Festival, A Christmas Celtic Sojourn and Festival Interceltique, and has toured with The Milk Carton Kids, Old Blind Dogs and Laura Cortese & The Dance Cards. She has performed as a soloist with The Boston Pops, and appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! and CBS Sunday Morning. Jenna is a graduate of Berklee College of Music, where she received the Fletcher Bright Award & The American Roots Music Scholarship. She released her debut solo album, Woven in 2015 and currently performs in a duo with harpist Màiri Chaimbeul. Jenna is also a dedicated teacher and teaches at various camps and courses throughout the year. www.jennamoynihan.com 


Sera Smolen, soloist, collaborator, chamber musician, improviser, orchestral musician and recording artist, is an active performer of numerous genres of music, including four centuries of classical music. She has premiered new music by numerous composers, and has collaborated with dancers, sculptors, painters and poets. She is a longstanding member of the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra.  She composes and records original music with her husband, Tom Mank with whom she toured the Netherlands and Belgium for the seventh time in April 2014.

Smolen received her PhD in music education from the Union Institute in 2000. She currently teaches at Cornell University, in her Suzuki  studio in Ithaca, NY.  She has a deep understanding of how to present improvisation parallel with repertoire study. She is a frequent guest clinician in Europe, the US and Canada for workshops and teacher training seminars covering pedagogies of improvisation and composition for developing string players. She has taught at Mansfield University, Alfred University, the Kanack School in Rochester NY, and Hobart and William Smith College. She has been the assistant director of the New Directions Cello Festival for 20 years.

Visit Sera’s website


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