The Suzuki Method

Alice Kanack and Dr. Suzuki. Japan, Matsumoto, 1994

Dr. Suzuki’s brilliant and humanitarian method of instrumental study claims “man is the son of his environments” and “all children can learn”. The Kanack School of Music strives to create an environment where all children can learn. The Suzuki method requires active participation on the part of the parents as well as the students. Private and group lessons, daily home practice and listening with parental supervision are all requirements of the method. Initially, parents are trained along with the children to provide them with knowledge and confidence necessary for success.

Alice Kanack and Dr. Suzuki. Japan, Matsumoto, 1984

The Kanack School constantly offers the Suzuki approach on violin, viola, cello and piano. We will accept children as young as 2 years of age into this program. While this method may be used at any age, starting as young as possible is highly recommended to enhance way child’s ability to develop their ears and facilities. All Suzuki teachers at the Kanack School of Music have Suzuki Association of the Americas certification and training.

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